a social aggregate of mine juz recently celebrated her 21st...
or rather, her friends put together a birthday surprise in celebration of it for her....
i wonder how will i celebrate mine.
will deakin be nice and let me end exams before(pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease)? on? or... *fingers crossed* after?
hearing others having their birthday celebrated for them makes me feel happy for them.
yes,yes,yes... i know mine's still farfarfarfarfar away... oh wells x)
on a brighter note...
helping out in the nursery room... i realised that whenever those little walking babies see people walking in from the door, they're very happy.. but whenever they walk out, they cry! HMMM. applying psychology into the setting... could it be because they think that the door eats up all these people? like a blackhole? when people go through it they'll never come back again? and when people come through it it's like the blackhole releases people from it's claws? hahaha x) ororor.. could it be because they saw their parents walking out through the door.. and because they still cannot grasp that some heirarchy of knowing thingy, they wonder where did their parents go after going through that door.. and they keep wondering where their parents are until 5pm when they get picked up.. HMMMM.
HAHA. random.
i tink that's enough psychology for now.. it's not even this year's psych i'm talking about!
*throbs @06:58 <3
There .
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